Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Nature Bats Last: A blog that will raise a few eyebrows

In my last post I mentioned a comment from theresa and in it she mentioned three blogs that she follows, one of which was entitled Nature Bats Last.

I checked it out first because the name reminds me of a quote by Barry Commoner (I’ve mentioned it more than once, sorry) that Dr. R. Nielsen used to introduce chapter 1 (Environmental Degradation) in The Little Green Handbook:

“Sooner or later, wittingly or unwittingly, we must pay for every intrusion on the natural environment.”

Today’s post at NBL is entitled “Crash course” and reviews two (of several) comments made related to the supply of oil.

A comment made by one man almost made my hair curl - after I raised both eyebrows and spit into the wind.

["Drill, drill, drill!"]

I’ll check out the other two later.

But first, I have to towel off.

Check out NBL. Tell me what you think.


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