Sunday, January 4, 2009

Great Quotes 2008: “Speak your mind, even if...”

My favourite quotes from 2008 were posted in two earlier posts [link to Favourite Quotes Part 2] and I thought their messages were important enough to warrant mention in my recent weekly column.

Due to the holidays email from readers was down a bit. (Yeah, that’s it. The fact I recycled material from six previous columns had nothing to do with it).

So, I was happy that Christy left this comment:

I saw this on a bumper sticker on our trip home - "Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes."

Folks. If you feel passionate about something, you have to say so.

I’d listen.


Live small. Love your neighbour. Pursue a simple life. Blaze a new trail.



Anonymous said...

I did speak out. I was, well, not laughed at, but patted on the head. Don't worry, it all happened back in the 1970s ... "They'll" come up with something ... Oil isn't going to run out, there's as much oil in the oil sands as there was in all the oil fields ... We don't need to worry ...

But, I will keep speaking out. And I will keep it light. And I'll try and refrain from mentioning these issues every time I see people ;)

Mystic Thistle said...

Thank-you, Gord h. I took a photograph of that bumper sticker from the car because I loved it so much. My voice shakes a lot, but I'm not giving up now! Your blog has brought me inspiration and happiness in many ways. Keep up the good work.

G. Harrison said...

Hi Jessica,

According to Malcolm Gladwell's newest book, Outliers, it will take about 10,000 hours of practice to get good at something e.g. computer programming (Bill Gates), entertaining (The Beatles), explainin' things to people.

At the rate I'm going with my columns (320 x 4 hr), I've got a long way to go before I get good at speaking out.

I'll be 94 yrs. old, getting really sharp, and wondering how to work the computer.



G. Harrison said...

Hi Christy,

After writing the post with your comment I thought a bit about my tag line under the banner, and felt I should add a couple of things I'm more passionate about than 'eat more vegetables.'

I say, "Your comment had legs."

Well done,

Gord H.