Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Point of View: License bicyclists? We’d be spinning our wheels

Nicholas H., Delaware, thinks it’s time to “license cyclists and educate them to the fact they are not the only ones using our busy roads.” (Letter to the Editor, Sept. 21 issue of London Free Press)

But the behaviours he is concerned about (i.e., “cyclists sail through stop signs, ignore red lights and generally abuse common sense road rules so they can reach their destinations without slowing down”) can all be attributed to licensed drivers as well.

Licenses don’t come with a lifetime supply of common sense.

Tickets occasionally solve a person’s bad habits. Maybe we need more police to enforce the rules that are already there? Cameras? How about cameras busy corners?

While people debate the best way to control driving habits, whether in a car or on a bike, allow me to say that a lot of problems would be solved on our congested streets if cyclists had safer spaces in which to ride.

Click here for more brilliant details.

I admit, even with more separate routes, there will still be the odd maroon on a bike, just as there are maroonic drivers on the 401 or 407 - with licenses. Really, go count ‘em.


Convert some sidewalks to path paths? A good idea?


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