Thursday, November 26, 2009

Is Sarah Palin fishing for a new job?

I think Sarah Palin is looking for a career as a spokesperson for a private, for-profit health care system.

She says so in so many words to Canadian Mary Walsh at a recent book signing:

“Canada needs to dismantle its public health-care system and allow private enterprise to get involved and turn a profit.”

["Let's cut the guts out of it"]

Profits are king to Queen Palin but she’d make a terrible nurse. She can't even take the pulse of the majority of Americans as it concerns the US health-care system.

According to a 2009 Canadian health care consumer survey, when Canadians and Americans were asked if their health care system deserved an A or a B, 43% of Canadians said yes, but only 21% of Americans said yes.

In other words, 79% of US citizens would give their health-care system a C or worse.

When asked if they believe that 50-plus per cent of health spending is wasted, 15% of Canadian said yes, but 52% of Americans said yes.

In other words, Canadians sound a lot - a lot - more satisfied than Americans when it comes to their health-care systems.

Nonetheless, Palin would be a great spokesperson for private, for-profit health care in the US because she ignores the majority of US citizens, just as private health-care providers do.

Why, they’re made for each other.


I just hope Palin doesn’t go fishing for work in Canada!



bobbie said...

They are made for each other for sure. Sarah scares the beejeebers out of me.

G. Harrison said...

Hi bobbie,

I do wonder where she'll end up.