Thursday, November 25, 2010

It Strikes Me Funny: A flash of juncos is news to me

My column in The Londoner hit the streets this morning, maybe even last night in some neighbourhoods, because I received an email at 5:06 p.m. yesterday from Len M. saying he read it (thought it was brilliant) and included links to Ottawa restaurants I should try on my next trip there. (Helpful, eh?)

The column relates to recent bird sightings at my bird feeder.

Not that I’m an expert bird watcher. I can only name a dozen, maybe two, of the most common birds. Robin, chickadee, junco, birdbrain (no relation), etc.

["Loaded with seeds, ready for a flash of juncos": photo GH]

However, I created my own ‘collective name’ for groups of juncos, i.e., a flash of juncos. Sure is a lot easier to understand than a storytelling of ravens, piteousness of doves or battery of barracudas, in my opinion.

(Have no fear. You are unlikely to see a battery of barracudas in your yard. If you do - call me!)

A flash of juncos.

Catchy, eh?


Visit an earlier column here.


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