Friday, November 7, 2014

The Workshop - Mailboxes

Two Mailboxes by Christmas

"Can it be done by Christmas?" a fellow asked recently.

I said, "Sure."

Shortly after I received the order for a mailbox I had a great idea. I'll build two at the same time.

["I'll try to include details featured on client's front porch,
except for pumpkins"]

So, I have an address, a timeline and a nice space to fill at the right of the front door (not shown in above photo to protect the innocent). Really, the metal box attached to the metal railing (lower right) has got to go.

["The porch is not covered. Mailbox may need a tin roof"]

I have a few quick sketches as well, but need more thinking time inside the shop. Once I look over the lumber on hand I'll know what I can and cannot do.

More to follow

Link to The Workshop

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