Monday, June 15, 2009

It Strikes Me Funny: My sister has gardening genes. Me? Maybe

In last week’s column I showed a wee bit of frustration when my oldest sister Lannie said she was going to tell her writing club a few things about my gardening skills - or lack thereof.

It’s true, I only learned the difference between a spade and a wheelbarrow recently but I do have a garden and several healthy plants grow there at the moment - though fewer than last week.

[A spade is used to dig graves, maybe edge a garden. A wheelbarrow has a wheel, unlike a spade, and is used to carry things to and fro. I’ll use both very skillfully when I catch the rabbit that ate my Brussel sprouts!]

Lannie’s plants do look healthier than mine but... what are they?

One looks like it’s a fly trap eating a jube jube.


Any idea? Poppies maybe?

(I’m too embarrassed to ask Lannie. She’d tell her writing club on me).



Unknown said...

I agree with it looking like a Venus Fly Trap ate something colorful... not sure, but you might be onto something about the poppy family.

Hang in there Gordie, we all had to learn gardening from somewhere, if we did it that is.

G. Harrison said...

Hi Jane,

You dropped by just before I biked over to a friend's house to borrow back my humane trap. Once the rabbit is gone, my beans will survive!

