Thursday, October 1, 2009

101 things I learned from my dad

I’m cleaning out a closet. Found two things of interest, one I’ll never throw out.

My dad, who considered Rule 2 of life was ‘never throw anything out,’ would be happy I’m hanging onto a Wear-Ever Aluminum juicer, circa 1780, or 1870, thereabouts anyway.

My mother quartered oranges and squeezed them into fresh juice on occasion. And after I’d finished squeezing a plastic pack of margarine enough times (to spread the colour out evenly from a gel bead) she’d let me try my hand at using the juicer.

I think I’d usually lose interest inside of 60 seconds and beg for 6 cents, so I could get a cold Coke from the pool room on Main Street. Begging and running downtown came easier than juice making!

An old t-shirt, however, that was uncovered on a back shelf today is doomed. 1998 marathon shirt. Too tattered to wear.

But, with Rule 2 in mind, it will be torn into strips and used to stain 4 - 5 chairs made from rescued lumber (Rule 3. Click here.)

Many other marathoners hang onto their shirts, make them into quilts, frame them.

Not me. Not today.

Rule 6. Don’t get too sentimental about stuff.


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