Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Lite News: It’s unfair. We should be number one

And we would be too if history books in Holland were a bit more accurate. It’s just not fair.

I just read Canadians are among the most satisfied in the world about where they live - in spite of harsh winters.

We come in at number two ‘most satisfied,’ and only residents in the Netherlands are happier.

But if I recall correctly, I heard from an acquaintance of a friend of a cousin of mine at Stats Can (or was it a cousin of a friend of an acquaintance at the Dept. of Transport?) that a 100-year old national policy in Holland dictates that school children be taught they live 700 feet above sea level - very safely - and not well below sea level and all it would take is one big leak and the North Sea would sweep the entire country off the map.

Off the map.

I mean, how satisfied would they be if they knew the truth?

And now they do.

Next year we should be number one.


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