Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Workshop PT 4: Winter’s coming. Time for touch-ups

I stepped out onto the back deck in short sleeves this morning to check the bird feeders.

[“White cedar w linseed oil. Looks fine”: photos GH]

They were fine. Enough seeds remain for today.

[“White pine, old stain, w linseed oil. Looks OK”]

I scanned the yard, recalled that I had coated five new birdhouses with linseed oil yesterday (they do look brilliant), and wondered if anything else in the yard needed a fresh coat or touch up.

[“Scrap pine, natural knot hole, linseed oil, fine”]

Hmmm. Maybe one birdhouse could use some help.

[“I’ll scuff the roof and add more oil. Spruce it up.”]

The only other thing needing a coat was me.

I went indoors for a refill instead.


An earlier trip to the workshop mentioned here.


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