Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Austerity Without Anxiety: “Oh yeah. Used jeans look hot.”

I suggest to you there are people in the world who would take one long look at me and ask themselves, “Should I do what Harrison does and buy used jeans that are actually better looking on him than I imagined?”

Really. How could they not?

I mean, I do. I look down at my pretty feet that hang out of the bottoms of my pretty jeans (hot, hot, hot) and look forward to my next trip to Value Village.

["Pretty feet. How can you think otherwise?": photo by G. Harrison]

Right now I’m thinking, maybe by next June I’ll need another pair at about $6.99.

What do you think about when you see my pretty feet and used jeans?

Hey, be nice! (Remember, the blog is entitled It Strikes Me Funny, so you’ve got to expect quirky every once in awhile).


Please click here to read more Austerity Without Anxiety.



Unknown said...

I am thinking that I like the jeans, the sandals, and the attitude. I am reminded that I, too, could use some new (or "new to me" heans), and perhaps a new attitude as well. And, I am reminded of a particularly fine pair of jeans that I found on the clearance rack for $4.97. I really should splurge like that again, soon. Like the L'Oreal commecial keeps reminding me, "I'm worth it!"

Unknown said...

*jeans* not heans. Sigh...I am thinking I should proofread more!

G. Harrison said...


Hi GingerGirl,

Thanks for your visit and comment.

$4.97 for a pair of jeans. Wow. I haven’t found jeans under $5 for many years.

I’m a retired teacher but don’t worry about misspelled words on my account; anyway, you were so close!