Monday, June 4, 2012

Welcome to Harperville: “Smoke and fire up your pants”

[Boots to You: Photo link]

The government will impose its will

[“Trains will start rolling again on Friday at Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd. after the Canadian Senate passed back-to-work legislation on Thursday evening...” June 1, London Free Press]

CP Rail workers will get back to work. Our Prime Minister says so and will make it so.

Government ministers will craft bills - when they wish - to push back-to-work legislation upon Canadian workers. Our Prime Minister says so and will make it so.

Hundreds of Canadian citizens at a time will have their noses rubbed in fundamental Conservative facts, that the economy is the new God. Our Prime Minister says so and will make it so.

Citizens’ rights will, at any time across Canada, take a back seat to the Toronto Stock Exchange, hedge fund managers, government bills and The Economy. Our Prime Minister says so and will make it so.

Though “the railroad expects operations to be back to normal within 48 hours” (London Free Press), citizens’ and workers’ rights will not be. Though Labour Minister L. Raitt says “the government acted to ensure continued rail services for businesses, families and the economy”, she says nothing about how heavy-handed governments in the past have set back freedoms and rights for men, women and families around the world. 

She probably doesn’t know. She is only expected to read from her notes and distract people from the fact Canada’s Prime Minister is blowing more smoke and fire up your pants.


Please click here to read more “Smoke and fire up (or down) your pants”

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