Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Workshop: "from scruffy to Solid in five years"

My first bird feeders were scruffy little affairs made from pine or spruce leftovers. A bit small too, I'd say now.

["I still use this one on occasion when others need repair"]

Western cedar is the order of the day at the moment. Best wood in Canada in my humble opinion. A wider and longer roof provides more shelter and taller supports allow room for blue jays to grab a bite to eat with ease. And custom support and collar can be attached to a wooden or metal pole in seconds.

["This collar is made for an oak feeder stand. Solid"]

 All that being said I cannot guarantee it will be squirrel proof unless you're willing to stand constant guard. Plastic pop bottles and metal lamp shade atop a thin metal pole work for me but other people will have to learn what's best by themselves, unless they're willing to pay me an exorbitant consulting fee.

["Little junco outside my window. Cold day for a wee bird"]

Actually, the fee is negotiable : )

Photos by GH


Please click here to read The Workshop: "one thing leads to another"

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