Thursday, April 17, 2014

"squirrels mean work"

Old South is great. Lots of trees. Some small houses very suitable for habitation. Two coffee shops near a hardware store. Less than a 25-minute walk to Milos'. But it's home to three billion squirrels and for a guy with a feeder, squirrels mean work.

["More work getting a good photo angle"]

["More work digging a new hole, but now I'm ready!"]

All winter I enjoyed watching birds at my feeder outside a study window. But in the early spring squirrels remeasured the distance between my window sill and the feeder roof, recalculated the 'leap for free food' equation and started pestering the heck out of me.

So, last week, when the earth was warm I dug a new hole and replanted the feeder farther from my sill.

"Foil me now!" I say. "Take that, you furry buzzheads!"

Link to snow-felt prose

Photos GH

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