Monday, May 12, 2014

Motorcycle Miles

Main Street, Norwich

On a Sunday in the late 1950s I invented a phrase - now used commonly every Sunday in small towns and villages across North America - about ten minutes after my mother told me to stop pestering my younger brother and go outside and play. I biked downtown to see if any of my friends were around and, when I saw the streets completely empty, I imagined what would happen if I shot off Otterville's cannon (the one guarding the bridge to the community swimming pool) on Main Street Norwich.

Answer: Absolutely nothing. I wouldn't have hit a fly.

Question: What about yesterday? What would happen if I shot an even bigger cannon in both directions down Main St.?

[Note: Please look into rear view mirror too]

Answer: All lives would be spared. But people would have something to talk about over supper.

Link to My Morning Smile

Photos GH

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